Contact Broccolici

Our Mission

At Broccolici, our mission is to provide delicious and nutritious food options to our customers. We believe that healthy eating should never compromise on taste, and we strive to make every meal a satisfying and nutritious experience.

You’re In the Right Place If…

You’re in the right place if you are looking for a food establishment that not only focuses on flavor but also promotes a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are a health-conscious individual, a vegetarian, or someone who simply enjoys good food, Broccolici is here to cater to your needs.

What We Do

At Broccolici, we specialize in offering a wide range of food options that are both delicious and nutritious. Our menu incorporates fresh ingredients and innovative cooking techniques to bring out the best flavors in every dish. From salads and wraps to smoothies and grain bowls, we have something for everyone’s taste buds.

Our Story

Broccolici started as a small food truck with a passion for promoting healthy eating habits. Over the years, we have grown into a beloved food establishment known for our commitment to quality and taste. Our milestones include expanding our menu to offer a diverse range of options, opening multiple locations in different cities, and partnering with local farmers to source the freshest ingredients.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Postal Address: 58970 Emmy Trafficway Gaylordberg, OK 92101

Share Us! Make sure to spread the word about Broccolici to your friends, family, and colleagues who appreciate delicious and healthy food. Together, let’s create a community dedicated to nourishing our bodies and delighting our taste buds.